Frank and Paul reflect back over the last two years and what to watch for in 2022.
Frank and Paul reflect back over the last two years and what to watch for in 2022.
The Bank of Canada announced that its key interest rate target is on hold at 0.25 percent.
Canadian home prices expected to rise by 10.5 per cent in 2022
Bank of Canada maintains benchmark rate at 0.25%
With rising mortgage rates, a pre-approval can protect you
A proposed Home Buyers’ Bill of Rights would address a notable trend that’s emerged in today’s hot market.
Bank of Canada maintains benchmark rate at 0.25%
Affordability has shifted demand for condos in wake of higher home prices across the country.
Frank Napolitano answers your questions
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. says annual pace of housing starts slowed in August
StatsCan finds mortgage borrowing hit a record in the spring
The Bank of Canada announced that its key interest rate target on hold at 0.25 per cent.